
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Great Reading Adventure

Last Friday Te Manga and Te Tinana did a great performance to lots of audience laughing, clapping and getting entertained. I felt like jelly wobbling on a plate. That’s how nervous I was. I was a narrator and I had to wear a Maori costume . First Duffy, Scruffy, Thing one and friend three. Next it was The Cat In The Hat’s turn, after that it was my turn. I felt like I had to explode when I was walking to the front. There was other groups like the Harry Potters, Cat in the Hat, Non-Fiction, Comics and Legends. I was in Maui and the sun Legends group. My part was to say is this, When the flax ropes were ready Maui and his brothers set off. They went on and on looking for the hole where the sun came up. They walked in darkness. When it was light, they hid so the sun wouldn’t see them. At last they came to the hole. They put the ropes across it and hid again, I also said Maui and his brothers held tight to the ropes as the sun battled to get away and now Maui and his people had plenty of time to fish, hunt and eat their food all in the light of the sun wouldn’t see them. They put the ropes across it and hid again, I also said Maui and his brothers held tight to the ropes as the sun battled to get away and now Maui and his people had plenty of time to fish, hunt and eat their food all in the light of the light of the sun. Whaea Deb put the Duffy Kid song on her laptop and we all sang the Duffy song. Then Duffy said Sir can you please hand out the certificates. The End

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